e-therapy.com.au offers you the latest in secure online therapy - FREE
Therapists - Register NOW - simply Click Here and be ready to run your sessions in minutes - no catches!
As a therapist e-therapy.com.au offers you a professional and convenient online (and secure) communication service for you and your clients. The system is very easy to use, and provides an instant 'front door' to your practice - you have your own editable page where you can provide information about yourself and also upload accreditation documents. You are also automatically given your own sub-domain name as part of your subscription, which allows your clients direct access to book and login to your sessions.
Chat, Skype and Secure Email - You can use the chat interface including the recently added SKYPE and Secure Email system.
Operating Manuals - The system is remarkably easy to use. When you are registered as a therapist or client you can download simple operating manuals to help you to easily navigate all e-therapy features.
As a Therapist - You can edit your profile & upload all your qualifications; create session times & create your own templates; view, save and search chat logs from sessions or accept /decline bookings from clients.
As a client - Sign up with one or several therapists and check out available session times (you can even request a session at a time that suits you). Book and receive therapy sessions in the secure environment of your own home, or from your work station at a time when you are available. (Note: Therapists usually charge for their services. Please check before booking a session)
No additional software is required - For either the therapist or the client; our system has been designed to operate efficiently whatever your connection speed.

Funding boost for...
The coalition government has provided a funding...